One Thumb Learning LLC
One Thumb Learning is a new private education company located in Bend Oregon USA. Its mission is to create simplified educational software for professional on the go. Its first product is the Addictive Accounting course, released in 2021.
Stephen Elderkin
Author of the Addictive Accounting Course
Stephen Elderkin is a successful entrepreneur and natural analyst. His passion is deciphering and distilling complex problems into simplified explanations.
Stephen’s early career was centered in computer forensics programming. He held the position of VP of Development for AccessData Corp® in the late 90s and early 2000s. AccessData is now a global leader in digital forensic software and training. Stephen has also done contract work for local, state and federal governments as a computer forensic expert witness, examiner and instructor.
Stephen later founded WhiteCanyon Inc®, a global provider of permanent data removal solutions. Its flagship softwares WipeDrive™ and SecureClean® (now called SystemSaver®) are still the official standards of permanent-data removal for many branches of the US military and high-profile corporations.
Stephen now resides in Bend, Oregon where he founded One Thumb Learning LLC in 2020, a company dedicated to creating interactive business courses for people on the go. The company’s first release is this Addictive Accounting course.
Stephen created the course after noting firsthand that far too many business owners primarily run their businesses almost exclusively based on their cash account’s balance and not according to well-kept bookkeeping records. When asked why they did not rely on their accounting records, the dominant reason given was a lack of know-how and the cost of hiring a professional.
Stephen states, “while accurate bookkeeping is less of a problem for a sole proprietorship (one-person business), it becomes more of a problem as a business grows in complexity. In other words, the need for accurate bookkeeping is something that can sneak up on a business owner as their business grows. If they do not expand their financial skillset, they may inadvertently make some financial decisions that could damage their business.”
Since most business owners do not have the time to learn college accounting, Stephen created Addictive Accounting, a course that teaches an abridged version of first year college accounting using what Stephen refers to as, “a new revolutionary common-sense approach”. In Stephen’s words, “this new method of teaching the double-entry bookkeeping system will change how accounting is taught worldwide. What was once considered complex, can now be easily taught in high schools.”
Stephen’s new teaching approach is based on his analysis of 14th century Venetian bookkeeping records that he says clearly describe how property transfers are recorded in the double-entry bookkeeping system. Says Stephen, “once you understand that a business is not a person and cannot own the property it possesses, and understand that it is always a debtor to its creditors who are either third parties or the business’s owners, understanding how debits and credits are used to record a business’s transactions becomes exceptionally straightforward.”
Stephen concludes by saying that “it is a shame many people either give up or lose interest in such an interesting subject as double-entry bookkeeping. I hope to change that. I believe that as more people become financially literate, more businesses will succeed, which will intern create more jobs, and when people have jobs, everything is better!”
The Addictive Accounting course is designed for accounting students and business owners on the go. It can be completed while waiting for a bus, a meeting, a spouse, or kids because it is on your phone, which is most likely always on your person. Stephen promises you that, “if you take a bit of time here and there to read the material and do the practice problems, your skills as a business owner will dramatically improve!”
“Special thanks to the many people who have helped inspire me through the years! I can’t list everyone, but I need to give a special shout out to:
Lucas Pacioli - writer and publisher of the oldest and most widely known treatise on bookkeeping ever written, published in ancient Italian in Venice, 1495. Without his work, I doubt I could have created this course correctly.
John Geijsbeek – author of Ancient Double-Entry Bookkeeping, published 1914. John provides an English translation of Lucas’s treatise along with helpful insights into understanding the basics of bookkeeping. Thank you John for making Lucas’s work accessible!
Jessica, Sheila, Royce, Eric, Stephen, Derrick, Bruce, Don, BTH2, Brian, Danny, Holly, April, Faith, Jeff, Kim, Bill, Lisa, Scott, April, and Ken … you all know who you are. Cheers!”
Stephen’s early career was centered in computer forensics programming. He held the position of VP of Development for AccessData Corp® in the late 90s and early 2000s. AccessData is now a global leader in digital forensic software and training. Stephen has also done contract work for local, state and federal governments as a computer forensic expert witness, examiner and instructor.
Stephen later founded WhiteCanyon Inc®, a global provider of permanent data removal solutions. Its flagship softwares WipeDrive™ and SecureClean® (now called SystemSaver®) are still the official standards of permanent-data removal for many branches of the US military and high-profile corporations.
Stephen now resides in Bend, Oregon where he founded One Thumb Learning LLC in 2020, a company dedicated to creating interactive business courses for people on the go. The company’s first release is this Addictive Accounting course.
Stephen created the course after noting firsthand that far too many business owners primarily run their businesses almost exclusively based on their cash account’s balance and not according to well-kept bookkeeping records. When asked why they did not rely on their accounting records, the dominant reason given was a lack of know-how and the cost of hiring a professional.
Stephen states, “while accurate bookkeeping is less of a problem for a sole proprietorship (one-person business), it becomes more of a problem as a business grows in complexity. In other words, the need for accurate bookkeeping is something that can sneak up on a business owner as their business grows. If they do not expand their financial skillset, they may inadvertently make some financial decisions that could damage their business.”
Since most business owners do not have the time to learn college accounting, Stephen created Addictive Accounting, a course that teaches an abridged version of first year college accounting using what Stephen refers to as, “a new revolutionary common-sense approach”. In Stephen’s words, “this new method of teaching the double-entry bookkeeping system will change how accounting is taught worldwide. What was once considered complex, can now be easily taught in high schools.”
Stephen’s new teaching approach is based on his analysis of 14th century Venetian bookkeeping records that he says clearly describe how property transfers are recorded in the double-entry bookkeeping system. Says Stephen, “once you understand that a business is not a person and cannot own the property it possesses, and understand that it is always a debtor to its creditors who are either third parties or the business’s owners, understanding how debits and credits are used to record a business’s transactions becomes exceptionally straightforward.”
Stephen concludes by saying that “it is a shame many people either give up or lose interest in such an interesting subject as double-entry bookkeeping. I hope to change that. I believe that as more people become financially literate, more businesses will succeed, which will intern create more jobs, and when people have jobs, everything is better!”
The Addictive Accounting course is designed for accounting students and business owners on the go. It can be completed while waiting for a bus, a meeting, a spouse, or kids because it is on your phone, which is most likely always on your person. Stephen promises you that, “if you take a bit of time here and there to read the material and do the practice problems, your skills as a business owner will dramatically improve!”
“Special thanks to the many people who have helped inspire me through the years! I can’t list everyone, but I need to give a special shout out to:
Lucas Pacioli - writer and publisher of the oldest and most widely known treatise on bookkeeping ever written, published in ancient Italian in Venice, 1495. Without his work, I doubt I could have created this course correctly.
John Geijsbeek – author of Ancient Double-Entry Bookkeeping, published 1914. John provides an English translation of Lucas’s treatise along with helpful insights into understanding the basics of bookkeeping. Thank you John for making Lucas’s work accessible!
Jessica, Sheila, Royce, Eric, Stephen, Derrick, Bruce, Don, BTH2, Brian, Danny, Holly, April, Faith, Jeff, Kim, Bill, Lisa, Scott, April, and Ken … you all know who you are. Cheers!”